Thank you, Fox 25 News at Ten” , a local ‘news’ here  in Boston for providing us with the Memorial Day story of a local Massachusetts  resident  and how  she took this picture of a moose in her backyard.

“Fox 25 News at Ten’ reporter asked  the woman varied questions as  Fox 25 News at Ten video experts showed the woman excitedly telling the story of  how she took the picture of the moose in her backyard ,
 “I looked out my window, saw the moose and took the picture” 
 and while she spoke,  her coincidental Indian name was also put on screen .
It identified her as
“Spotted Moose”
Not to be confused with her brother , “Brake for Moose”
Either that……… or she is a Spotted Moose,
 but she looked human , spoke English and didn’t have any spots.
Well, admittedly  it was a slow Memorial Day for real news, so their anchor ,
did everything she possibly could to fill in more time as she still had approximately 29 minutes and 48 seconds to go, hence she happily gave us this explanation as to why the fact that Ms.Spotted Moose spotted a moose was news.
 It is because, in word for word detail,
  ” Experts says that the giant creatures usually live in the forest”.
Now that’s news  because  I always thought that moose lived in condos along the Charles River in Boston’s Back Bay, as shown below in a photo from  my  recently published book , “Where Moose Live” .
 But no, according to Fox 25 News at Ten  and their  on-staff moose experts,
‘the giant creatures live in the forest.’
 Live and learn
Also please keep in mind that the  “giant”  news-worthy creature  that  the news writing team at “Fox 25 News at 10” was talking  about is a moose
 , not some  Brobdignagian troll from either 
 “The Never Ending Story” or “Lord of the Rings”.
Not exactly on the newsworthy scale of this walking out of Buzzards Bay,
but again , it was a slow news day
To top it all off, the story particularly aggravated yours truly because I had called Fox 25 News at Ten  myself  that day with a news story concerning  my  photo of a sparrow ( which is a type of rare bird)  on my lawn.
However Fox 25 News at Ten said that they couldn’t run with it  because  they could not get an expert to confirm that “these aerial creatures usually live in trees”.
God damn the fact checkers, but I’m a good loser , so kudos to “Fox 25 News at Ten” for going out of their way and  finding a ‘moose expert’ on Memorial Day , for as we all know ,  moose experts are pretty much unavailable on that holiday as
 “the human-like experts usually are found at cookouts’ , as evidenced  below
in this rare photo of “Moose Experts at Play” by Ansel Adams.
In other current events ,
Moose 25 Noose at Ten
had their anchor report this  competing  story on their newscast, complete with photo…
” Large Cow sighted near Forest” 
 and stated  that
‘Human experts confirmed the unusual sighting saying  that these awkward , gangly, bad-tempered  creatures are usually found inside drinking martinis.
Please don’t brake if you see one.